Looking after your interests!


The work of CWL Housing is overseen by a Board of Directors, made up of a group of men and women from a wide variety of backgrounds, including residents. This ensures that our residents have a voice in all the decisions the Board makes on their behalf.

The Board meets several times a year to discuss current issues and to plan for the future. Some Board members have expertise in finance and management, others in working with people. All are fully committed to the wellbeing of our residents and in providing them with good quality homes and facilities.

At CWL Housing we define governance as “the process by which we as a group of people make decisions that direct the collective resources of the organisation”. Put simply governance describes the way we are governed, e.g. the rules under which we operate. Our code of governance is based on the code preferred by the National Housing Federation.

Some of the key duties of the CWL Housing board are as follows:
  • establishing broad policies and objectives;
  • selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the Housing Manager;
  • ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources;
  • approving annual budgets;
  • accountable to the stakeholders for the organisation’s performance.